Exhibition at Mishcon de Reya

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As part of the Mishcon Art Project (MAP), law firm Mishcon de Reya is holding an
exhibition of Shirley Baker’s work on the changing faces of Britain in Africa House, its
elegant London headquarters, in Holborn.

The MAP exhibits high-calibre artworks in the client-facing spaces on a revolving basis.
MAP is created and managed by Karen Sanig, founder and head of art law at the firm and who,
like Shirley and Nan, is originally from the north of England. A chance connection between
Nan and Karen some years ago led to the genesis for this exhibition of the changing faces of

The resulting collection of works on display includes not only the familiar 1960s images of
Manchester and Salford but also a selection of lesser-known works, primarily from the ’80s,
with several pieces being exhibited in London for the first time.

The work is imaginatively displayed, with photographs in each of the many Mishcon meeting
rooms and in the corridors, bringing a very real sense of humanity and warmth to the spaces.
By all accounts the exhibits have been very well received by members of the law firm and
clients alike. The colourful ’80s Camden punks are a real standout!

The exhibition comprises 80 works and will be on for approximately a year. Attendance for
viewing is by private appointment only for now but please do let us know if there is interest
and we will endeavour to arrange it.

Mishcon de Reya, Africa House, 70 Kingsway, London WC2B 6AH

Photo: Nan Levy (left) and Karen Sanig