The Eye of Photography Crane Kalman Brighton: Shirley Baker: 80s Faces

Stroud Times Photography exhibition shows ‘communities in transition’

Stroud Times Photo exhibition offers a glimpse of life in 1960s Britain

Manchester Evening News Shirley Baker captured a lost way of life

Street Photography Magazine Life Through a Lens with Jason Figgis

Amateur Photographer New film celebrates Shirley Baker

The Guardian Punks, Skins and Tunnock’s Tea Cakes:
Café Royal photo zines in pictures

Manchester Evening News Before the Skyscrapers

Huck A life in colour

gourmetgigs.com A Different Age

BBC News Shirley Baker’s street scenes

The Times Pictures from a different age

widewalls.com Rare Shirley Baker photographs

elephant.art.com Shirley Baker saw nuance and humanity

The i A Different Age review

creativeboom.com A Different Age; James Hyman Gallery

theartsdesk.com James Hyman Gallery review

lensculture.com A photography of gestures

Financial Times magazine Past Masters by William Boyd

Le Monde, Portfolio

The New Yorker Shirley Baker’s half century

Vice Glorious photos of life up north

Internazionale Le Strade di Shirley Baker

The Guardian We’re cosseting our kids

I Love Manchester 1960s images

Huck Vintage photos

Evening Standard Dog shows

Fetch and Follow Books for the Dog Lovers

Tatler Book of the week

The Guardian The big picture

Ville de Le Lavandou newsletter

Var-Matin Festivités de l’été

Vogue All Change: Burberry

gourmetgigs.com Here We Are Burberry exhibition

Manchester Evening News Pictures of Manchester Airport

BBC News Photographs reveal forgotten Manchester

Salford Star Exhibition of stunning Salford photos

Manchester Evening News Images showing slum life

creativetourist.com Women and Children

The Independent Chronicling Manchester

BBC Broken-down Britain

The Guardian That’s me in the picture

The Guardian The Streets Belong to Us

Manchester Evening News New photography exhibition

Mancunian Matters Life… as it was

Gourmetgigs.com Images of Manchester

The Guardian Remembering the work of Shirley Baker