Nan Levy, the daughter of Shirley Baker is delighted to present a sale
to help food poverty in collaboration with The Trussell Trust…
I have been thinking about what I can do to help during this Coronavirus
crisis. My mother Shirley Baker spent many years photographing people locked in poverty.
I’m sure if she was here today, shewould want to help those that cannot afford food at this
time and would want to help end hunger and poverty in the UK.
I have selected three of my favourite images in the hope of selling these to raise
money for The Trussell Trust – a charity who support a nationwide network of
food banks providing emergency food to those in need. These vintage prints
are lifetime originals with Shirley Baker’s name and address stamped on the
verso. 50% of the proceeds will be donated to The Trussell Trust.
Please take a look at the images below.
I hope you will consider purchasing one of these prints, thereby donating 50% of your
purchase price to The Trussell Trust charity. If you are interested, please contact me
on the email below
Thank you
Nan Levy for the Estate of Shirley Baker

Dimensions 34.5 x 26.5 cm
Price £1800

Dimensions 34.5 x 26.5 cm
Price £1800

Dimensions 34.5 x 22.0 cm
Price £1800